Saturday 21 February 2015

LRM-00116: syntax error at ')' following

Cause of The Problem:
double quotes ("), single quotes (') parentheses () are termed as special character on unix system. To know the list of special character on unix please have a look at Special Character on Unix. In order to use specual character on unix you have to use escape characters. How you can use escape character are discussed on How does one escape special characters.
If you don't use escape characters while using special character above error will arise.

Solution of The problem:
Use escape character before using special character. Like in stead of using

expdp system/manager DUMPFILE=PWR19JAN.dmp  LOGFILE=expPWR19JAN.log DIRECTORY=DUMPS INCLUDE=TABLE:\"in\(SELECT t FROM tlist\)\"


  1. In PowerShell 3.0 the special marker --% is a signal to PowerShell to stop interpreting any remaining characters on the line. This can be used to call a non-PowerShell utility and pass along some quoted parameters exactly as is.

    for example instead of escaping every character that PowerShell may interpret:
    PS C:\> FIND.EXE '"Search Text"' "C:\Program Files `(x86`)\Demo\text.txt"
    we can instead use:
    PS C:\> FIND.EXE --% "Search Text" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Demo\text.txt"
    Any PowerShell variables after the --% won’t be expanded but you can work around this by building up the command string using more than one variable:

    $command = 'FIND.EXE --%'
    $params = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Demo\text.txt"

    & $command "Search Text" $params;

    If the command type is Application, the parameter --% is not passed to the command. The arguments after --% have any environment variables (strings surrounded by %) automatically expanded. For example:
    PS C:\> FINDSTR.EXE --% "%ProgramFiles%"
    In the above %ProgramFiles% is replaced with the value $env:ProgramFiles

  2. IMPDP PVINOD/pvinod@cora412a dumpfile=cleandb.dmp directory=D11111 logfile=11111_data_import.log schemas=CLEANDB table_exists_action=replace remap_schema=CLEANDB:TEST2 remap_tablespace=CLEANDB:TESTING parallel=5 exclude=TABLE:"LIKE '%_HISTORY'", TABLE:"LIKE '%_HIST'", TABLE:" IN \(select tname from tab where REGEXP_LIKE(TNAME,'_H$))'\"
    it is not excluding the condition


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