Wednesday 13 June 2012

After clone DISPLAY REP-3000 Oracle Toolkit Error

1.  Ensure the correct DISPLAY environment variable is set on the E-Business server(s)
In the main environment file, as pointed to by $APPLFENV, verify / set the DISPLAY environment variable to an active and available X display server.
DISPLAY=:.0 ; export DISPLAY
i.e. ; export DISPLAY
Note 2: Some notes, such as 200474.1, advocates placing the DISPLAY environment variable in startup scripts:,, Caution should be observed; these scripts override the DISPLAY value in the main environment file and may add a level of confusion if different values are present on each server or script.
On Autoconfig ready instances, make any environment variable changes via the Autoconfig Context Editor or Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) and re-run Autoconfig on all nodes in order to ensure that all changes are properly synchronized across all tiers and to prevent the lost of the current environment changes next time Autoconfig runs.
2. Invoke or re-invoke the xhost command as root.
On the server where the X display server resides, as root, execute xhost ++… Where are the E-Business server names requiring X display server access, such as the Concurrent Processing Server, Oracle Reports Server, etc.
Typically, this action needs to be done any time the host with the X display server is bounced.
3. As the “root” user, bounce (restart) the X display server and/or any required window manager (i.e. mwm, olwm, fvwm, twm, etc.) associated with the X display server or window system.
Make sure to perform the xhost + command again.
Note 3: Please reference the X display server’s guide or contact the vendor for assistance on stopping or starting the X sever or window manager in used.
4. Validate that the Concurrent Processing Server sees the correct DISPLAY value.
Run the Sysadmin report “Prints environment variable values” with the “DISPLAY” parameter and check that the correct DISPLAY value is present. If this value is incorrect, then the concurrent processing server is not aware of the proper DISPLAY setting. In short, this environment variable needs to be defined before starting the concurrent processing server.
The Sysadmin report “Generate concurrent processing environment information” also lists all environment variables visible to the concurrent processing server.
5. Verify that the DISPLAY variable is usable by running a concurrent report in Postscript format.
Run the Sysadmin report “CP Postscript Report Regression Test” with the parameter BASIC. If the reports completes successfully, the concurrent processing server is aware of the DISPLAY value and the current variable value is usable.
Note 4: If Pasta is being utilized and the IX_RENDERING variable is set without a corresponding displayfontpath entry, a REP-3000 can occur–see Note 361639.1 “Cannot Open Display Font File: … REP-3000: Internal Error Starting Oracle Toolkit”
6. If bitmap (Postscript, PDF, etc) reports fail from within Oracle Applications, does a report in Postscript format run successfully from the OS command line?
a) Login as the applmgr on the host where the concurrent processing server resides and source the main environment file.
b) Set the DISPLAY environment variable, if not already set by the main environment file.
DISPLAY=:0.0 ; export DISPLAY
c) Run the “Active Users” report in Postscript format with the ar60runb executable and the following options. Provide the apps password an populate the parameters with the full path of $FND_TOP and $APPLTMP.
— 12.0 Example — userid=apps/apps report=/<$FND_TOP>/reports/US/FNDSCURS.rdf batch=yes destype=file mode=bitmap desname=/<$APPLTMP>/ desformat=/<10.1.2.$ORACLE_HOME>/reports/printers/psl132.prt errfile=/<$APPLTMP>/ActUsr.log
Note: The full path to is contained within the $APPLORB environment variable
— 11.5 Example —
ar60runb userid=apps/apps report=/<$FND_TOP>/reports/US/FNDSCURS.rdf batch=yes destype=file mode=bitmap desname=/<$APPLTMP>/ desformat=/<8.0.6.$ORACLE_HOME>/reports60/admin/printer/psl132.prt errfile=/<$APPLTMP>/ActUsr.log
7. If bitmap reports still fail with a REP-3000 from Oracle Applications or from the OS command line, the most likely cause of the error is that the X display server and/or window manager is not accessible, usable, or started.
a) Review the following documents for further insight and additional recommended checks:
Note 200474.1 “Comprehensive REP-3000 Troubleshooting and Overview Guide”, particularly the startup script examples at section “VI-6. GENERAL ISSUES:”
Note 207532.1 “Troubleshooting Tips for REP-3000 Error when Running PDF/POSTSCRIPT/HTML Reports”
Note 153960.1 “FAQ: X Server testing and troubleshooting”
Note 181244.1 “Configuring VNC Or XVFB As The X Server For Applications 11i(“Configuring an X Display Server for Applications on Unix Platforms”)”
b) Update any on-going Oracle service request with the results of the previous steps.
c) Use the command xdpyinfo -display :.0 to inspect and verify the display settings. Please consult the vendor’s documentation for detailed instructions on modifying any settings.
d) Contact the vendor of the third party X display server or VNC product for assistance on configuring their product for use.

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