Sunday, 1 September 2019

Oracle Application server 10g Start Stop scripts

Starting Oracle 10g Application server:
1)Start the listener.
Start the listener from the server where Your Application services are running
$lsnrctl start

2)Start Database.

1)Start the listener.
Start the listener from the server where Your Application services are running
On Windows server:
C:\Users\user>set ORACLE_SID=DB_NAME

On Unix based server:

3)Start Infrastructure services:
Make sure you are in Infra Home=>opmn=>bin directory.
$cd Oracle10g/Infra/opmn/bin
$opmnctl startall

4)Start Middle-tier services:
Make sure you are in Middle-tier Home=>opmn=>bin directory.
$cd Oracle10g/MidTier/opmn/bin
$opmnctl startall

Note 1:opmn stands for oracle process manager and notification server.
opmnctl startall:Start all application services like HTTP,OC4J,Wireless.....
opmnctl stopall: Stop all application services like HTTP,OC4J,Wireless.....

Note 2:Individual service or component can also be started/stopped with the help ofopmnctl as follows:
$opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J Home
$opmnctl startproc component-type=OC4J 
$opmnctl stopproc process-type=OC4J Home
$opmnctl stoproc component-type=OC4J
$opmnctl startproc ias-component=wireless 
$opmnctl stopproc ias-component=wireless
$opmnctl stopproc process-type=OC4J_Wireless
$opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J_Wireless

When you are stopping the services this order becomes reverse,so you have to follow the below steps:

1)Stop Middle-tier services:
Make sure you are in Middle-tier Home=>opmn=>bin directory.
$cd Oracle10g/MidTier/opmn/bin
$opmnctl stopall

2)Stop Infrastructure services:
Make sure you are in Infra Home=>opmn=>bin directory.
$cd Oracle10g/Infra/opmn/bin
$opmnctl stopall

3)Stop Database:
On Windows server:
C:\Users\user>set ORACLE_SID=DB_NAME
SQL>shutdown immediate

On Unix based server:
SQL>shutdown immediate

4)Stop the listener:
Stop the listener from the server where Your Application services are running
$lsnrctl stop

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