Saturday, 7 September 2019

ORA-31634: job already exists;ORA-31664: unable to construct unique job name when defaulted

ORA-31634: job already exists;ORA-31664: unable to construct unique job name when defaulted

In the database which I support have a daily export backup and one day the logs reported with the errors

ORA-31634: job already exists
ORA-31664: unable to construct unique job name when defaulted

Reason for the Error:

This error normally occurs when you do not specify a unique JOB_NAME for the DataPump job  and for some reason that JOB_NAME already exists in the database, or else if you are running many jobs at the same time (more than 99 jobs) and DataPump cannot create a new job.


To fix this issue you have to cleanup the orphaned datapump jobs.

1) Determine the datapump jobs which exists in the database and the status as NOT RUNNING.

SELECT owner_name, job_name, operation, job_mode, 
   state, attached_sessions 
   FROM dba_datapump_jobs 
   where owner_name='&SCHEMA' and state='NOT RUNNING'
ORDER BY 1,2; 

2) Determine the related master tables

SELECT o.status, o.object_id, o.object_type, 
          o.owner||'.'||object_name "OWNER.OBJECT",o.created,j.state 
     FROM dba_objects o, dba_datapump_jobs j 
    WHERE o.owner=j.owner_name AND o.object_name=j.job_name 
   and o.owner='&SCHEMA' and j.state='NOT RUNNING' ORDER BY 4,2;

3) Drop the tables generated in step 2.

Drop table ;

This will clear the master tables created by orphaned jobs

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