Saturday, 11 January 2014

Oracle 11gR2 clusterware startup sequence

ohasd -> orarootagent -> ora.cssdmonitor : Monitors CSSD and node health (along with the cssdagent). Try to restart the node if the node is unhealthy.
                                    -> ora.ctssd : Cluster Time Synchronization Services Daemon
                                    -> ora.crsd   -> oraagent  -> ora.LISTENER.lsnr
                                                                             -> ora.LISTENER_SCAN.lsnr
                                                                             -> ora.ons
                                                                             -> ora.eons
                                                                             -> ora.asm
                                                                             -> ora.DB.db

                                                         ->orarootagent ->
                                                                                 -> ora.gnsd

         -> cssdagent -> ora.cssd : Cluster Synchronization Services
         -> oraagent -> ora.mdnsd : Used for DNS lookup
                            -> ora.evmd
                            -> ora.asmd
                            -> ora.gpnpd : Grid Plug and Play = adding a node to the cluster is easier (we need less configuration for the new node)

If a resource is written using blue & bold font => resource owned by root. The other resources are owner by oracle. (all this on UNIX environment)
When a resource is managed by root, we need to run the command crsctl as root or oracle.

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