Thursday, 29 December 2022

EBS r12.2 ORA-1017: Invalid username/password: login denied in forms 19c database

1. In 19c database service_name parameter should be set to container name

Connect to the CDB and run the following commands:

alter system register;

Note :- Need to wait ensuring the ebs_<PDB_NAME> and <PDB_NAME>_ebs_patch running automatically

2. Verify that the PDB database is registered with the listener

Connect to PDB and check value of local_listener parameter. It should be not be set at PDB level and should be same as CDB value.

3. PDB should have at a minimum of these services in 12.1 and 12.2.

select name from v$active_services;


ebs_<PDB NAME>

4. Listener should be started using CDB environment file



lsnrcrt stop CDBNAME

lsnrctl start CDBNAME

5. Verify status of listner using below mentioned command :

$ lsnrctl status 


Wednesday, 7 December 2022

EBS R12.2 Java Code signing certificate

 EBS R12.2 Java Code sigining certificate 

get the certficate alias from below file, it will be the first word in the file:

cat $NE_BASE/EBSapps/appl/ad/admin/adsign.txt

Mostly its the $CONTEXT_NAME

mv $NE_BASE/EBSapps/appl/ad/admin/adkeystore.dat $NE_BASE/EBSapps/appl/ad/admin/adkeystore.dat_old

keytool -keystore $NE_BASE/EBSapps/appl/ad/admin/adkeystore.dat -genkey -validity 6000 -keypass puneet -dname "CN=EBSDB_apps, OU=IT, O=Tahaluf, L=Abudhabi, ST=Abudhabi, C=AE" -alias EBSDB_apps -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storepass puneet

keytool -export -alias EBSDB_apps -keystore adkeystore.dat  -rfc -file EBSDB_apps.crt -storepass puneet

Stop the application

Run ADADMIN, and select the following from the AD Administration Main Menu:

Choose Generate Applications Files menu

From this menu choose Generate product JAR files

Enter yes when prompted with: Do you wish to force regeneration of all jar files? [No] ? yes


Reload JAR files to database 

Start the application

In client machine run Configure Java

Security tab > Manage certificate > Certificate Type > Signer ca  > Import certificate

Configure Linux server for PAM monitoring

 useradd pamuser

echo "pamuser:Pam2022" | chpasswd

echo "pamuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:  /bin/grep, /usr/bin/passwd, /bin/egrep" >> /etc/sudoers

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