Sunday, 10 July 2022

Apply HRGLOBAL and DataInstall in R12.2

 Step 1 -Apply hrglobal.drv

a) Start an online patching cycle
Source the run edition Example: UNIX: $RUN_BASE/EBSapps/appl/APPS$CONTEXT_NAME.env
adop phase=prepare
b) Run DataInstall from PATCH edition
Run at $APPL_TOP available.For multi-node/RAC setups,DataInstall run on the primary node.
java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall <un> <pw> thin <host:port: sid >
< un > username of the apps
<pw> password of the apps
<host:port: sid > database connection information
example: java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps apps thin dbsvr1:1521:testdb
IMP 12.2: DataInstall run on Patch Edition Environment.
list in menu 1 followed by I for install or C for clear;
e.g. In menu 1, to install Global choose 1I, to cancel a selected operation, choose 1C etc.
Menu 4 to choose to save your changes when you are OK with them.
c) Apply hrglobal.drv
$PER_TOP/patch/115/driver/hrglobal.drv and should be run on the tier which has the $APPL_TOP available.
hrglobal.drv is a pure "database driver. For RAC/multi-node setups, it is only required to run the hrglobal.drv on one node.
IMP 12.2: applied via the adop patcing utility.
Example: adop phase=apply patchtop=$PER_TOP/patch/115 patches=driver:hrglobal.drv options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion,forceapply
d) Complete the online patching cycle by running the following commands:
1. $ adop phase=finalize
2. $ adop phase=cutover
3. $ adop phase=cleanup
For customers using other languages than US and wishing to apply translated legislative seed data,please apply the relevant language specific version of the consolidated translation patch after successfully completing the hrglobal.drv.

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

ISGADMIN~~ failed to be authenticated while try to undeploy webservice

 When i trying to undeploy the REST service in UAT and deploy again, i am getting the below error.


ISGADMIN~~ failed to be authenticated 

Solution :

verify the asadmin given credential correct and roles using below queries, should be the same:

select FND_VAULT.get('ISG', 'ASADMIN') from dual;
select FND_VAULT.get('FND', 'ASADMIN') from dual;
Select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('ASADMIN','<ASADMIN password>')

Run the txkISGConfigurator.xml utility with “ebsSetup” argument.


ant -f $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/txk/util/txkISGConfigurator.xml ebsSetup -DforceStop=yes -DforceDataSourceExists=true -DforceAuthenticationProviderExists=true

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